The tigernut
The tigernut (erdmandel) belongs to the order Cyperaceae, Escirpoidea subfamily, genus Cyperus, esculentus species, botanical variety sativus.
In recent times, the cultivation of tigernuts has been one of the main crops which has cultivated the fields of L'Horta Nord, as there are sixteen villages which meet the perfect conditions for the cultivation of this tubercle, although traditionally associated with this crop are towns like Almácera or Alboraya.
The tigernut is a tubercle with a shape which is more or less ovate, 1 to 2.5 cm long and 0.5 to 1.5 cm wide, it is planted in early April and harvested in mid-November, which is when the fruit reaches its perfect state. Then, it is washed in clear water and when it is clean properly, it is spread for drying naturally over a period for about three months. These allows the tigernut to be dried without losing any of its nutritional and organoleptic properties, subjecting them to various quality checks at different stages of development, to ensure adequate product quality. Once dry, they are selected taking into account various aspects such as color, size, etc..
The chufa not only contains no cholesterol, on the contrary, it helps to reduce triglycerides, for its composition rich in fatty acids. It also contains a high percentage of soluble fiber, essential amino acids, starch and vitamins C and E.
Due to these properties, if we elaborate with tigernuts any product, the by-product does not contain gluten, lactose nor fructose.